Thursday, June 27, 2019

Recharging Drones

We all take for granted the ability to take five, sleep through, and generally recharge
our metaphorical batteries as living, breathing things. Rest is a component of life that
is essential.
For drones, it's really not an alternative to rest. At least while they're on the job, it's not
an option to do the things we want them to do. But there's been some interesting R&D
in this space.
Essentially, a handful of scientists have been finding methods to make drones more like
livestock, and whether these design modifications can make them more energy-efficient.
This month, a global team of technicians released a paper investigating whether drones
can be designed to ' perch ' – keep altitude without spending power or deviating from
their data collection mission.
The team recommends adaptable landing devices that allow drones
to attach themselves to a wide range of separate structures, resting on street lights and
edges or corners of buildings to reduce energy use, increase vision stability and retain
the scope of that vision.

For more data about drones, IoT and vehicle tracking devices, please contact Zuppa.


Recharging Drones

We all take for granted the ability to take five, sleep through, and generally recharge our metaphorical batteries as living, breathing t...