Thursday, May 9, 2019

The 2 types of GPS vehicle tracking system

There are two types of Tracking System - Passive and Active.

Passive Tracking System —
The passive tracking system tracks details such as GPS location, speed, heading and direction. The device will be removed when the ride is complete. Then the tracker details will be evaluated. It's also known as tracker offline.

Active Tracking System-This device also provides all the details except that it is staying with the vehicle and updating the information in real time. Generally speaking, the online tracker can also be called the Active Tracking System. As the updates are live and real-time, it is generally preferred more.
Modern vehicles use a combination of the two GPS Vehicle Tracking Systems
Here’s how this is done.

When the vehicle is connected to the internet, the active tracking system works by giving updates in real time, whereas when the vehicle reaches a location that has no connection, the Passive tracking system that stores the data is activated. So the data will be updated when the vehicle gets the network back.


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