Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Drone usage in Agriculture

In anticipation of the fresh FAA regulations regulating their routine operation in domestic airspace, scientific and commercial interest in the agricultural use of UAVs has risen. Agricultural work with UAVs, however, concentrated on a limited set of apps (mostly imaging for stress detection and assessment of biomass) in a limited range of plants (mostly field plants and rangelands). On the other hand, the growth of studies and technology for UAV use in specialty crops lags behind. The high value and labor-intensive nature of these plants offers a mature environment for new uses of UAVs to support a variety of management functions that go beyond traditional imaging apps used in broadcast plants.

This planning grant brings together university researchers and technicians with specialty plant and UAV stakeholders to evaluate the requirements and possibilities for practical UAV applications in fruit, vegetables and nut plants in the southeastern United States.

Contact Zuppa for more information on Drones, IoT and Vehicle Trcakers

1 comment:

  1. Very intereesting post! Drones are also very useful in agriculture!


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